Blog posts

Why your social media won’t work for you, without you: 3 reasons why business owners should collaborate more with their social media managers

Feeling overwhelmed with your social media and marketing and want to hand over the reins to a social media manager or staff member? A great idea BUT you do need to understand that, as a small business owner, you can’t just hand over the reins and walk away. Here are three great reasons why you need to collaborate and work with your social media manager to get the best bang for your buck.

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How to really support local and small this Christmas.

Every year I set myself a challenge to try and do most of my Christmas shopping as locally as possible. It can be time consuming and a fair bit harder than running around a shopping centre for a few hours, but it’s far far more rewarding. In this article I give you heaps of tips on how to save money, time and stress and still support local and small businesses through the silly season - for gifts, food, wine and more.

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